Connecting to the future
through people and chemistry

Striving to be a unique 200-year-old
specialized resin, chemical, and petroleum trading company

Founded in 1921, SANYU INDUSTRIAL is a specialized resin, chemical, and petroleum trading company that strives to meet customer needs while developing a global business with an eye on the world and the future. With our group companies, we aim to evolve and develop into a “Unique 200-year-old Company.”

Providing products, information, and technology in the 3 areas of resin, chemical, and petroleum

We cover the 3 areas of resin, chemical, and petroleum, providing products, information, and technology to meet customer needs as a specialist in each area. We are supporting the foundation of manufacturing that opens the way to the future and enriches our lives.

Business Introduction

We have obtained the ISO 14001 and the ISO 9001 certifications, and we promote efforts to protect the environment and our future

Our headquarters and the Osaka branch office have obtained the international environmental management system ISO 14001 certification, and our Tokyo branch has obtained the international quality management system ISO 9001 certification. Together with our customers, we endeavor to create products that are gentle to the future of humanity and our planet.

Environment / Quality

Ample global network centered on ASEAN nations

We have built a global network focusing on ASEAN nations, supported by our global business company, SANYU TRADING. In addition to supporting the overseas expansion and overseas manufacturing locations of our customers, we also support importation of overseas products into Japan, etc.

Global Network

Towards a company where all employees unite as one, expanding opportunities for meetings and connections

At SANYU INDUSTRIAL, a specialized resin, chemical, and petroleum trading company, our motto is “Friendship, cooperation, agreement,” and all of our employees unite as one to build trust and results while expanding the opportunities for meeting customers and deepening our connections with them.

About the connection between our history, our network, and our group

Since our founding in 1921, we have been cultivating our experience, knowledge, and technological ability related to resin, chemical, and petroleum, and expanding the scope of our business. We are building a global network and deepening cooperation among our group companies involved in mixing and manufacturing in order to meet the needs of our customers.

Introduction of SANYU Group